Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pay Attention to the Thin Cow – By Gene A. Hoots

I've had the pleasure becoming friends with and getting to know Gene. He has a lifetime of great stories and advice, and I’m looking forward to reading this revised collection of some of his writings over the years.


While it is a collaborative effort, much of the book reflects the personal experiences of Gene Hoots. He has had the unique opportunity to work in the corporate world as a major customer of investment services for twenty plus years and then help create a small, entrepreneurial firm that is a supplier of those same services. He notes that size really doesn’t alter the rules; the same investing principles apply to everyone. Along the way, he also offers opinions on the major issues he believes we are facing in America today, and an occasional view of corporate life from the inside. This book will not give the reader tips on becoming an overnight millionaire, or on day trading as a path to fame and fortune, or even how to spot a “hot” stock. Rather, it is a collection of essays from CornerCap’s first fifteen years that the CornerCap people hope will make the readers a bit more informed about their own investments, and less vulnerable to all of the missteps that can steadily erode their efforts to accumulate wealth – consistent mistakes that can add up to huge losses over a lifetime. Avoiding these common investing mistakes can greatly increase the prospect of meeting long term financial goals, no matter whether you are saving for a secure retirement or your grandchildren’s education.