Saturday, June 24, 2017

Charlie Munger's "The Psychology of Human Misjudgment"

The abridged and animated video of Munger's "The Psychology of Human Misjudgment" speech that has been making the rounds led me to go back and re-read the version Munger rewrote in 2005 for inclusion in Poor Charlie's Almanack. The copy I continuously go back to is from a Word file that I created in order to put the speech on my Kindle, which is a lot easier to carry around than the book. I also added a few additional things that I took from Tren Griffin's book on Charlie Munger. In case this is of interest to any of you, here is a link to that file: 

The italicized parts at the end of many sections are the additional quotes and comments from Tren Griffin's book. I noticed a few grammatical errors that I corrected when reading it through this time, and there are probably some others that I missed. If you happen to see them, please let me know so that I can correct them. And similar to Griffin's book additions, if you happen to come across other comments or examples by Buffett or Munger that might be worthwhile to add to the file, let me know that as well.