Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jeremy Grantham: Reinvesting When Terrified

Apparently, posting Mr. Grantham's entire article yesterday wasn't very copyright friendly. I had posted the whole thing because 1) it was short, 2) I thought it was great advice that should be usable many times throughout an investment career, so I wanted to keep the words up in case the article is ever taken down, and 3) I think there are probably a few readers out there who may not be able to view a PDF file, so I wanted them to be able to read the excellent (in my opinion) and timely advice from Mr. Grantham. At any rate, here is the wording for and link to the article as posted on GMO's website,
Jeremy Grantham's article,
Reinvesting When Terrified, (March 2009) offers some insight into reinvesting in the market during these current, very difficult times.