Monday, February 22, 2010

Charlie Rose: 2009 Interview with Lee Kuan Yew

It took a parable from Charlie Munger to finally get me to watch this interview that has been saved on my DVR since October, but it was one of the better interviews I have ever seen and I highly recommend it. (And H/T to Shai, who was well ahead of me on getting it posted).

Link to: October 2009 Interview with Lee Kuan Yew

To watch it now, you actually need to go to the Charlie Rose Home Page, click on the 'Recent Shows' tab, and then scroll down to the interview from 10/23/09.


One of my favorite excerpts (taken from the transcript):

CHARLIE ROSE: What’s the most important change and significant change in your way of thinking about the world over the last 20 years?

LEE KUAN YEW: That the impossible can happen. I never thought the Soviet Union would implode so easily, and I never thought the Chinese would abandon the communist system and move into the free market so readily. It was unthinkable 20 years ago.

Both have happened. The world has changed.

CHARLIE ROSE: And it’s not clear exactly how it’s all going to...

LEE KUAN YEW: No, it is not clear when it will happen, but that it will happen now in the long term, 50 to 100 years, yes.


Previous Charlie Rose Interviews with Lee Kuan Yew:



Book: From Third World to First : The Singapore Story: 1965-2000