The Obesity Epidemic: is the Metabolic Syndrome a Nutritional Deficiency Disease? - by Stephanie Seneff
Found via Art De Vany.
The United States is currently facing an obesity epidemic across its population, affecting children and adults alike. It is now estimated that 30% of Americans are overweight, and the problem has been worsening over time.
Why does the US have this problem? Why are we the "leaders" in obesity and related health issues such as heart disease and diabetes, despite our incredibly high dollar investment in health care? What are we doing wrong?
My research, detailed in this essay, shows that in many cases the underlying cause of obesity lies with basic nutritional deficiencies, which can be corrected through simple dietary changes. These deficiencies are likely caused, in large part, by two ill-conceived, yet supposedly "healthy", modern day lifestyle choices: an excessively low-fat diet, and sun phobia. The modern preference of sugar-laden over calcium-rich foods also plays a role.
The solution to our problems, fortunately, is surprisingly simple.