Hussman Weekly Market Comment: Leap of Faith
I want to emphasize that I
don’t hope for a recession – that is just the conclusion that I believe the
best reading of the evidence supports. Sure – if there is no recession, I
clearly would rather not have warned of the risk, but I would still prefer to
avoid a recession even though that’s what our analysis indicates. It would be a
relief to see the data shift away from a recessionary pattern in a durable way,
and I would be happier still for stock market valuations and market conditions
to support a significant exposure to market risk. Both of those will arrive,
but they are not here at present, and I expect there will be some downside
first. Our economic challenges will be addressed in time, but they are likely
to involve much greater restructuring and much slower progress on deficit
reduction than the capital markets seem to contemplate. Europe will solve its
problems, but most likely through a departure of stronger countries from the
Euro, followed by a combination of aggressive restructuring and monetization.
We will get through all of this, and both the economy and the financial markets
will do fine in the longer-term, but to imagine that there will not first be
major challenges and disruptions is a leap of faith – and a leap over a century
of economic and financial history that screams otherwise.