Hussman Weekly Market Comment: Passed Pawns
"Today, the world is
grotesquely distorted by the presence of fixed exchange rate regimes. There are
two. There is the Euro, and there is the dollar-remnimbi. All of Europe has
defaulted. There are many stakeholders in the European project. There are financial
creditors and then there are the citizens of Europe. Remarkably, the political
economy of Europe is that the politicians chose to default on their spending
obligations to their citizens in order to honor the pact with their financial
creditors. And so of course what we're seeing is that as time moves on, the
politicians are being rejected. So when I look at Europe, the greatest source
of inspiration I have is fiction... We have the longest-serving Prime Minister,
the Prime Minister of Luxembourg Mr. Juncker, who is on record as having said
that 'when times get tough, you have to lie.' … the truth is unpalatable to the
political class, and that truth is that the scale and the magnitude of the
problem is larger than their ability to respond, and it terrifies them. The
reality is that you just can't make up how bad it is. But it has precedent, and
precedent perhaps offers us some navigation tools.