Thursday, December 6, 2012
TED Talk: Juan Enriquez and Ray Kurzweil on Brains, Tattoos, and the Quest for Immortality
TEDx Silicon Alley took place a few days ago in New York City, and the theme, “Rise of the Machines,” was centered around the convergence of technology and humanity. Ray Kurzweil, who is one of the most widely known and respected futurists in the areas of artificial intelligence and medical technology (as well as an inventor and co-founder of Singularity University), along with Juan Enriquez, a leading authority in everything life sciences, were the keynote speakers.
Here’s video of each of their talks, followed by a stimulating discussion with both of the speakers. It’s longer than your average TED talk because it’s really a three-in-one, but it’s an extremely fascinating look at where the advancement of medical technology and computing might take us:
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