Monday, January 7, 2013
John Mauldin: Ending the Era of Ponzi Finance
There is a level of (let's call it) discomfort among investors and business people everywhere I go in the world now. It is becoming increasingly palpable with each passing month. The overriding sentiment seems to be, "That which cannot be sustained will not be."
We live in a world that is premised on economic structures that are now unsustainable, and that is a word we are going to hear used more and more this year.
. It will be a theme in my writing, not only in my annual forecast issue, which will be out in a few days, but throughout the year. But just because things are unsustainable does not mean the end of the world for you and me. It is just that our world will change. Our job is to make sure that we manage the transition.
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