Wednesday, August 27, 2014


1976 Buffett Letter About Geico (LINK)

Generalizing the Kelly Criterion (LINK)

Illusions and the Art of Paying Attention (LINK)

Andrew Smithers: US economy: the persistent myth of deleveraging (LINK)

Dropbox Slashes Its Price As the Cost of a Gigabyte Nears Zero (LINK) [On a related note, if you haven't signed up for Dropbox and would like to, you can expand your free storage limit for both of us if you use THIS link.]

Change Your Microbiome, Change Yourself (LINK)

Scott Adams: Easiest Diet Plan Ever (LINK)
Related book: How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big
Parasite of the Day: The Emerald Cockroach Wasp (LINK)