Saturday, September 9, 2017


The hardcover of the new book by Paul Sonkin and Paul Johnson, Pitch the Perfect Investment: The Essential Guide to Winning on Wall Street, has started to ship and I just received my copy in the mail. I started to go through it this morning, and have a feeling it is going to be used in a lot of university classrooms, as it covers all of the main points (how to value a business, competitive advantages, behavioral finance, pitching an idea, etc.) more succinctly than any textbook I've seen. At a little over 400 non-textbook sized pages and plenty of illustrations, it's also something that a class could go through completely in one semester. 


Klarman's Baupost Plans to Return Some Investor Money [H/T Matt] (LINK)

Jason Trennert and Jason Zweig on WealthTrack (video) [H/T Will] (LINK)

Warren Buffett’s $100 billion problem [H/T Linc] (LINK)

A Dozen Lessons about Business and Life from Jimmy Iovine - by Tren Griffin (LINK)