Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Seth Klarman: A Bleak Warning on Global Division and Debt (LINK) [I haven't seen Klarman's letter yet, but if anyone happens to have a copy they'd be willing to share, it would be greatly appreciated (valueinvestingworld@gmail.com).]

CNBC's Davos interviews with Ray DalioDavid RubensteinSteve Schwarzman, Jeff Ubben, and Marc Benioff.

Dalio, Weber on Rethinking Global Financial Risk: Davos Panel (video) (LINK)

Survival is the Ultimate Performance Measure of a Business - by Ian Cassel (LINK)

Invest Like the Best Podcast: Eugene Wei – Tech, Media, and Culture (LINK)

The Knowledge Project Podcat: Shane Parrish chats with Josh Wolfe (LINK)

Netflix Flexes - by Ben Thompson (LINK)

Yuval Noah Harari: Why We Dominate the Earth (LINK)

Sir David Attenborough discusses his life's work at Davos 2019 (video) (LINK)

Spectacular 3D simulation of a massive solar flare… from start to finish (LINK)