Note to readers: I'm traveling with limited internet access over the next week or two, so posting will probably be less frequent than normal.
"We think that when we make a decision, there ought to be such a margin of safety that it ought to be so attractive that you don’t have to carry it out to three decimal places." --Warren Buffett (1995)
Beachheads and Obstacles - by Ben Thompson (LINK)
The Absolute Return Letter - October 2019: How to invest in a low growth world (Part 1 of 2) (LINK)
Michael Bloomberg’s Answer to the U.N. General Assembly - by Evan Osnos (LINK)
Some takeaways from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (LINK)
Kyle Bass: Hong Kong Protests are Chinese Regime’s “Worst Nightmare” in US China Trade War (video) (LINK)
Odd Lots Podcast: How Financial Repression in China Helped Cause the Trade War (LINK)
Hidden Forces Podcast: Financial Fault Lines, Central Banks, and the Law of Unintended Consequences | William White (LINK)
Masters in Business Podcast: Brian Grazer Discusses Imagine Entertainment (LINK)
The James Altucher Show (podcast): 493 -- Frank Abagnale (LINK)
What Got You There Podcast: #158 Brent Beshore (LINK)
The Knowledge Project Podcast -- Jim Collins: Keeping the Flywheel in Motion (LINK)
Externalities: Why We Can Never Do “One Thing” (LINK)
The Messy World of Crime-Solving Genealogists - by Sarah Zhang (LINK)