Disney’s Kevin Mayer | Full interview | Code Media 2019 (video) (LINK)
This Man Is a Junkyard Billionaire (LINK)
Lessons From 24 Years of Operating: Bowl America, Inc. (LINK)
Banking on the Future: Why our most hated institutions will become our most beloved (LINK)
The Long View Podcast: Charles de Vaulx: Why Value Investing Has Slumped but Will Rebound (LINK)
Planet Money Podcast: #953: Three Sides Of A Car Loan (LINK)
Kyle Bass: "China: The Most Reckless Financial Experiment In History" (Hedgeye Investing Summit Video) (LINK)
Health Care Lessons from Dr. Keith Smith - by Russ Roberts (LINK)
Here’s to the Crazy Ones (LINK)
The Fascination With the Skin of a Dead French Revolutionary - by Sarah Zhang (LINK)
Whack 'em or nuke 'em: How to deflect a killer asteroid - by Phil Plait (LINK)